Mt. Pleasant Area Jaycees
Welcome to the Mt. Pleasant Jaycees Podcast page! The Mt. Pleasant Jaycees are Mt Pleasant’s Junior Chamber, as their young members aim to build personal and professional relationship, as they work closely together on projects to strengthen and grow our local community! In today’s podcast, we talk about their biggest fundraiser of the year…”The Mt. Pleasant Craft Beer Festival!” If you’d like to get involved with the Mt Pleasant Jaycees OR for more information on the organization, simply go to www.M-T DASH J-A-Y-C-E-E-S-DOT-COM! MyMichiganPodcasts…is podcasting that matters!
In this Mt Pleasant Jaycees Podcast Bryan Wiefrich and Claire Doty chat about the Jaycee’s biggest fundraiser of the year, the 9th annual Craft Beer Festival in Downtown Mt Pleasant! Visit for full information and to get tickets!