Mt. Pleasant Convention and Visitors Bureau
Join Dorothy, Claire, and Chris from the Mt. Pleasant Area Convention & Visitors Bureau. Learn about the girls behind the scenes and why they love the town of Mt. Pleasant! From the parks, trails, concerts, sporting events, and so much more, there is a lot to love.
On this episode of Meet Here, Bob is joined by Ruth Helwig – President of the Mt. Pleasant Zonta Club, and Mary Jane Flanagan as they discuss the upcoming 35th Annual Zonta Club Applefest as well as what the Mt. Pleasant Zonta Club is all about!
On this episode of MEET HERE we talk with Elmo from Max and Emily’s about this years summer concert series! We also learn more about why Elmo loves Mt. Pleasant + how Max & Emily’s continues to be a large part of our community.
The MT Pleasant CVB was kind enough to donate their time to allow the Mt Pleasant Rotary Club to talk about their Help Prevent Suicide Event May 16th at the Veterans Memorial Library in Mt Pleasant.